Saturday, February 26, 2005

New Map Resource

The library downtown just got a new map scanner and they have a good collection of Military Service maps from 1942. Spent some time there today getting ready for the next project. Can you guess battle what it will be?

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Links and Info

The Game
Airborne Assault: Highway to the Reich - This is what this blog is all about. A great new game that lets you call the shots during Operation Market Garden. Whether you lead the Allies or defend as the Germans, you'll need to think steps ahead and react quickly to achieve victory in real-time battles against an advanced AI or live opponent.

- the upcoming "Conquest of the Aegean" is nearing completion and should be available this fall. Read more here.

Panther Games - The creators of Airborne Assault: Highway to the Reich and its predecessor, Airborne Assault: Red Devils over Arnhem.

The Matrix Games forums for HTTR - Matrix is the publisher of HTTR and hosts an active forum for the game and its follow-on Conquest of the Agean. Query the developers and you'll likely get a response. You can find an online opponent there, and it's also a great place for tips from many very good players.

The Usenet "games - war historical" Message Board - This is the unfiltered usenet group (via Google Groups) that discusses a wide variety of topics... sometimes even wargames. Often Airborne Assualt. Good detailed info is often posted by the developer and updates are provided frequently.

Game Patches and Downloads - The official page for game downloads and patches. Includes a couple of good map graphics map packs by Bil Hardenberger, game reference charts, and tools for scenario creation.

Fan Sites
The Drop Zone - The granddaddy of AA fan sites. This was the fist (and, until I started doing this, the only) Airborne Assault fan site going. Currently, you can follow the HTTR Tourney at this website. The Drop Zone was started after the launch of Airborne Assault: Red Devils After Arnhem. Most, if not all, files are for AA:RDOA and will not work with the current game. But, it still contains a wealth of information about the game and is well worth a look.

El Savior's Airborne Depot - A very informative fan site and home to the Battle of the Bulge mod for HTTR. Plus El Savior hosts a number of other scenarios.

Hedgerows Mod - Mini-site for my Hedgerows expansion pack.

Crossing the Moselle River - Great map and scenario by Count Sessine. Go to the downloads section of the Airborne Depot.

Heartbreak Ridge - One of the great Airborne Assault: Red Devils Over Arnehm scenarios that has been converted by JeF for the new game.

Hohenstaufen Holiday Scenario - Modified Arnehm scenario that asks "What if the 9th SS Pz Div was rotated out of the Arnehm area prior to the Market Garden op?" If you were in the British 1st AB Div, you would answer: "Only if..." By Paul Roberts. Send him a message via the Matrix forums for the file.

World War HQ
- Currently hosting two AA:HTTR mods and will likely host more soon. Mine I hope.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Love / Hate

The best time and worst time I've had playing this game is against a human opponent.

Having gotten fairly well crushed in my first game in the tourney (my worst time?), I am facing my opponent again in round two. Today we played for almost two hours, but had to stop before the match was over. I enjoyed the game a lot, but can't stop wondering how things will go in the final hours.

There isn't much time left... and my situation is looking okay thus far. BUT, I'm wondering when he'll unleash the knockout blow. Because we are playing a scenario that came with the game, I know full well what forces he has to work with. And so far, I've only seen maybe half or less of his forces.

The question is where will they come? And will I have enough time to react? This is the part I truly love and hate... stay tuned!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Block the Beaches Beta 1.03 Released

Made some more tweaks and am close to finalizing this scenario.

I have probably played this one about 40 times and it is still fun. It's a good challenge and the map offers opportunities to mix up the strategy and attack.

I hope you enjoy it - download here.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Isacco handed me a stinging defeat in the HTTR tourney. A 25 point difference in our scores! I will post a more detailed AAR when the whole thing is over. Knowing how balanced the scenario is - and how solid Isacco is - I fear the spread is too much to regain in round two.

On a good note, I've published the Carentan map with a new scenario. Check it out.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


It's been a while since I've posted, but I've managed to put together a small scenario for my new Utah Beach map. It's meant to be played as the Germans. You'll definitely struggle to contain the para drop, consolidate the situation and prepare for the onslaught of the beach invasion.

I've got to finish up two things and then I'll post it for download. Watch this site this weekend....

See some screenies here.